關於Govt Allowance
Social Security/ Welfare APP: Ministry of Social Welfare APP: This APP provides information on different types of social security available for different groups of people such as Single Mothers, Under Privileged and Disabled candidates.
Ministry of Social Affair of Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh aim to develop human resources, alleviate poverty and to empower the social services capability for the people of Bangladesh. In the society, the underprivileged, Orphans, poor, unemployed, landless, elderly, disabled, and minority group of people are at the centre of this project as a mission to bring them back with financial stability. To this endeavor, various projects and workshops have been undertaken, as well as different types of welfare and financial aid for crisis is being projected. Social Securities for Maternity leave/ Single Mother, Widows, Divorced, Poor disabled, Old Age are the major securities are given and practiced. The user of the App will provide with full information on these four financial aids, application process; the eligibility to receive such securities. Besides that it will also include frequently asked questions and discussion board.