關於GPS Tripmeter
Enable GPS and start the app. Let the GPS signal stabilize before using the app in competition.
App shows interval and total distance, current and average speed. Current speed comes from GPS, average speed is calculated from travelled distance and time from last reset of all readings.
To reset intermediate distance, touch any part of the screen.
To reset all readings, long press on any part of the screen.
Counting direction can be changed with radio buttons in below of screen.
Distance readings can be adjusted from the edit button next to counting direction radio buttons.
If you want to reset average speed separately from all other readings then enable "Separate avg.speed reset" in settings menu. If enabled, touch in speed readings part of screen resets average speed.
To show clock on screen, enable showing clock from settings menu.
Feedback & support:
Please help to translate the app:
Fixed notification on some newer devices.
App can be closed from notification.