關於Graffiti Street Screen Lock
塗鴉街 - 屏幕鎖定。
Graffiti Street - Screen Lock.
Graffiti is not an art, it's a lifestyle. For your style to be perfectly perfect, we have created this app for you. Your phone will be a crazy rebel like you.
It is difficult to imagine a modern urban landscape without graffiti. What is art or vandalism? Where does aesthetics end and graphomancy begin? This dispute is as old as the world. More precisely, as graffiti culture itself. All variants of answers to these questions are relative and subjective. Some see in the wall paintings a brazen violation of laws and distortion of the city's general accounting. For others, it is free from any laws of contemporary art. But both the first and the second are just the viewers. Preferably, street artists prefer to remain in the shadows.
As it turned out, the artists themselves do not share their work on art and vandalism. There is a division of "pieces", that is, drawings, to the legal, drawn where permitted, in the city, illegal, as a rule, are made mainly at night, and drawings on trains. It is the latter, as Sasha assures, are considered the coolest among the representatives of the graffiti-party, that is, so to speak, genuine, correct. "The train rides and your graffiti see in other cities, until after three or four days they will not paint," - he says. But the most important thing is the style. And, as our interlocutor explains, it does not matter where it is painted, because it is possible to draw badly on trains and well on legals. Basically graffiti - it's fonts. "There are guys who paint paintings, characters, etc., but graffiti is based on the font. - Culture itself is based on the glorification of its name, creative pseudonym.
It is not uncommon for street artists to have problems with the police. "And they traveled on the trains, and just in the departments for illegal proceeds more than once. It's like a part of culture. " Punished in different ways: "A fine of 100 to several thousand (per train) can give. It happens that the public works are sent. I have not been there. A friend in Sevastopol was, went with a policeman a certain period of every day and painted graffiti in the city. "