死之華(Grateful Dead)樂隊的14000+演唱會現場錄音。
免費收聽死之華(Grateful Dead)樂隊的14000+演唱會現場錄音。
死之華(Grateful Dead)樂隊成立於美國舊金山地區,被稱為迷幻搖滾之鼻祖。其現場演奏的影響力往往超過錄音室專輯。下載此App即可領略死之華現場錄音的魅力!
English Only
聯繫開發者: contact@vinylworld.org
網站: https://gratefuldead.vinylworld.org/
The Grateful Dead and our managing organizations have long encouraged the purely non-commercial exchange of music taped at our concerts and those of our individual members. That a new medium of distribution has arisen - digital audio files being traded over the Internet - does not change our policy in this regard. Our stipulations regarding digital distribution are merely extensions of those long-standing principles and they are as follow:
No commercial gain may be sought by websites offering digital files of our music, whether through advertising, exploiting databases compiled from their traffic, or any other means.
All participants in such digital exchange acknowledge and respect the copyrights of the performers, writers and publishers of the music.
This notice should be clearly posted on all sites engaged in this activity.
We reserve the ability to withdraw our sanction of non-commercial digital music should circumstances arise that compromise our ability to protect and steward the integrity of our work.
* Add any show/album to your Favorites page
* Access to your favorite concerts from the side menu
* Access to the Grateful Dead website from the side menu
* More smooth concert streaming
* 14,000+ Grateful Dead concert recordings for streaming
* View & Play most popular Grateful Dead shows
* View & Play concerts by year (since 1965)
* Native optimized media player
* 294,000+ Tracks, 14,000+ Recordings
* 100% Free
* 100% No Ads
Have a good trip!