關於Greed Immortal Rift Simulator
An exciting simulator of destroying $ 25 in an instant. Buying a void has never been so easy.
Ready to spend 17,000 on one legendary gem from an ancient portal? Check your luck in the game Greed Immortal Rift Simulator, maybe 25 dollars will be enough for you, or maybe 200,000?!
The ancient portal, maximally enhanced with legendary glyphs, gives you not only a beautiful picture, but every second you are in the game you will be given as much as, oh my God, $ 1.
Drain them all in the hope of knocking out the gems and tell your friends how much virtual money you needed, and the original % of gems will give you as much pain as in the original game, the main thing is not to confuse the games, otherwise the pain may become real, as well as the lost money.
role playing games offline have never been so immortal.
Which is more immortal, greed or stupidity? After a couple of hours in the game, you'll figure it out for yourself.