關於guide for king of fighter
a simple guide for playing king of fighter with no issue
king of fighter guide is a simple methode and tips for you to facilitate your playing and get prizes and more movements through the game, we've collected the best tips and tricks do not cheat .
"K.O.F 98" (King of Fighters '98) is in July 22, 1998 issue of the classic arcade fighting game.
KOF98 set KOF94 ~ KOF97 the best past generations roles gather together to participate in the fighting, a veritable sweet "dream fight." Remain Advance mode (97 mode) and Extra mode (95.96 mode), SNK released an arcade fighting game the basic system KOF97 mainly in the balance of the game has been greatly improved.
KOF98 no story, just let the players simply enjoy the art of battle, is closest to the generations KOF perfect being, it is a legendary selection of a memory game.
NOTE : we confirmed that this is not a game is just a simple guide
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