關於HERE Locate
HERE Locate is a reference application to demonstrate the features and capabilities of the HERE Tracking cloud. You can use this in combination with the HERE Tracker app to test how connected devices can be tracked, geofenced and monitored. See real-time position and sensor data and review the device's history on a map that includes the context of your current location.
Feature Highlights:
- Sign in and register connected tracking devices to your HERE account
- View the last known location and historical location trace of your registered devices
- Create and manage geofences and receive push notifications when tracking devices enter or exit geofences
- Change the name of your tracking device and how often it updates and reports its location and other telemetry (for example, battery level or temperature)
- Review trace history details and position accuracy
- See your current position
- Live on-map tracking of the tracking device, or of both the current user’s position and the device
• Other bug fixes