Added support for 2 new languages: Turkish, and Vietnamese 🗺️
Added support for local currencies in various countries
Added long-press in Team to view hero skills
Improved Arena battle log
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Heroes Wars 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Heroes Wars 所有舊版本。下載 Heroes Wars 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
Added support for 2 new languages: Turkish, and Vietnamese 🗺️
Added support for local currencies in various countries
Added long-press in Team to view hero skills
Improved Arena battle log
The Roulette Master event is back and is here to stay!
Max level increased to level 340
Added Speed x2 to Player level 100+
Adjusted arena score increase/decrease with wins and losses
Removed speed x1.2
Added a hint about the super boss in boss menu
Bug fixes and UI improvement
Added a Special event: Roulette Master that will last throughout October
Roulette keys will be dropping from Boss mode, Survival mode, Castle War, and Arena
Using Roulette keys, spin the Roulette to earn random rewards
Get rewards at the end of month based on how many spins you did
During October only, all packs will be 50% off
Added a Global event in addition to ranking star
Added compensation to Server 26 for the wrong timing of the merge
Bug fixes & Main menu UI have been slightly improved
-Added Death Labyrinth enemies for the coming month
-Reduced game usage to increase performance
-Time-based activities will now show hours and minutes remaining ⏲️
-Added copy UID to clipboard option in the settings so you don't have to type it manually 😄
-Improved ranking UI to make it much clearer where you are in the ranking :ranking:
-New Server: S24-Wukong
-New mode: Death Labyrinth
-New user challenges have been removed and replaced with a new progress system that rewards players for their progress in Story mode, Tower mode, Survival mode, Boss mode total score, Player level, and Player Power.
-Max player level increased to 320
-World arena rewards are now sent daily
-World arena battles will now be all with level 1 heroes
-Balance changes applied
-UI improvements and Bug fixes
-Improved heroes menu UI
-Increased hero bag size to 100
-Reduced summon all condition to 50
-Tons of UI fixes
-Enter Gift code: "Runes" for compensation rewards
-Adjusted some simulation stages
-Fixed Counter and Reflect skills not triggering on death effects
-Added 3 new methods to auto-break (Scrolls/Hero Pieces/Reset and Other)
-Fixed bugs
V 5.12 is now live!🎊
Massive Quality of life improvements
-Added Hero changing ticket which allows changing the hero to another hero
-Added auto break which allows you to break heroes directly once they are summoned
-Adjusted Arena score results
-Added arena history which displays the latest 20 battles
-Added a quick level-up x2-50 button
-Fixed Android 14 black screen issue
-Balance changes applied
-Siege timer adjusted
-Bug fixes
V 5.12 is now live!🎊
Massive Quality of life improvements
-Added Hero changing ticket which allows changing the hero to another hero
-Added auto break which allows you to break heroes directly once they are summoned
-Adjusted Arena score results
-Added arena history which displays the latest 20 battles
-Added a quick level-up x2-50 button
-Fixed Android 14 black screen issue
-Balance changes applied
-Siege timer adjusted
-Bug fixes
Version 5.06 (Optional Update)
-Replaced Spend Firestones and Evolve gems missions with 2 different missions
-Fixes arena sending last season's score
-Fixed chapter 46 reward
-UI improvements
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