關於3d鍵盤 全息投影 惡作劇
✪ 不能等待這些全息鍵盤再出來嗎?那麼,我們得到了下一個最好的事情!它是✬ 3d鍵盤 全息投影 惡作劇 ✬,它是市場上最現實的“鍵盤模擬器”!它為您提供了一種“全息鍵盤惡作劇”,您可以使用它來體驗在“全息鍵盤”上打字的夢幻般的現代化方式,並且深入了解未來。雖然這只是一個模擬器,但是這個“鍵盤應用程序”似乎非常栩栩如生,可能會騙人,這其實是真正的事情!如果你是未來迷戀的科幻粉絲,這個鍵盤是你必備的。它是迄今為止最現代化的方式來裝飾您的鍵盤,並使您的手機看起來像您從二十二世紀得到的。所以,別再等了!使用✬ 3d鍵盤 全息投影 惡作劇 ✬免費獲得最新,最先進的鍵盤風格,並成為鎮上最酷的鍵盤的人!
✧ 點擊“啟用鍵盤”,勾選✬ 3d鍵盤 全息投影 惡作劇 ✬旁邊的方框,然後點擊確定按鈕;
✧ 返回應用程序,選擇“將鍵盤設置為默認”按鈕,然後選擇✬ 3d鍵盤 全息投影 惡作劇 ✬;
✧ 您現在可以自定義鍵盤(選擇主題,語言和快捷方式)。
✧ 找到首選的3D全息照片來改變你的鍵盤蓋!
✧ 從噸全息背景圖像中選擇,以改變鍵盤顏色,主題和風格!
✧ 包含動畫表情符號,機器人emojis,愛情表情符號,心臟表情符號,笑臉符號等等,以裝飾您的短信!
✧ 選擇您想要的語言,並開始輸入意大利語,瑞典語葡萄牙語!
✧ 選擇數字字,並以此方式進行快捷方式!
✧ 打開和關閉發短信和振動聲音的選項!
✧ 下載我們的3D全息圖主題為智慧型手機和平板電腦,不要忘了評價一個最好的“3d鍵盤”!
✪ 由於這是一個“3d全息圖笑話”,你可以有一個很好的時間欺騙你的朋友擁有一個實際的,合法的3D鍵盤!告訴他們你最近聽說過這個消息,期待已久的“全息投影”終於被釋放了,人們正在大量下載它,你是第一個掌握它的人。一旦他們的眼睛興奮起來,向他們顯示您下載的應用程序。他們可能會因為欺騙他們而生氣,但最終,他們可能會承認,它看起來很棒,無論如何,你可以指導他們在哪裡獲得應用程序。找到一些東西來代替真實的東西,直到它真正出來是最好的方式。
✪ ✬ 3d鍵盤 全息投影 惡作劇 ✬ 這個“虛擬鍵盤”是一種突出的趨勢,由於其獨創性和獨特性,絕對會保持一段時間。
✪ 它還提供真正的茶點。您可能已經註意到市場飽和了可愛,粉紅色,心形的“鍵盤主題”。主要關注的是鍵盤和各種其他應用的主題。不是說這個主題有什麼問題,但是,他們只是不適合所有人。需要更多種類,這個鍵盤提供它。現在免費下載,享受!
How to set virtual keypad themes:
✧ Click on ‘Enable the Keyboard’, check the box-field next to ✬ Hologram 3D Keyboard Simulator ✬, and then click on the OK button;
✧ Return to the application, select ‘Set the Keyboard to Default’ button and select ✬ Hologram 3D Keyboard Simulator ✬;
✧ You can now customize your keypad (choose themes, languages and shortcuts).
✧ Locate your preferred 3D hologram pictures to change your keyboard cover!
✧ Select from tons of holographic background images to change keypad color, theme and style!
✧ Include animated emoji symbols, robot emojis, love emoticons, heart emoticons, smiley symbols, and many more to decorate your text messages!
✧ Choose the language you want and start typing in Italian, Swedish Portuguese!
✧ Pick words for numbers and make shortcuts that way!
✧ Options to turn sounds for texting and vibration on and off!
✧ Download our 3D hologram themes for smartphone and tablet, and don’t forget to rate one of the best “3d keyboard themes”!
✪ Since this is a “3d hologram joke” you can have a pretty good time tricking your friends into having an actual, legitimate 3D keyboard! Just tell them that you had recently heard on the news that the long-awaited “3d projector keyboard” had finally been released, and people are massively downloading it this instant, and you are among the first one to get a hold of it. As soon as their eyes light up with excitement, show them the app you downloaded. They might be angry with you for tricking them, but ultimately, they will probably admit that it looks awesome regardless, and you can direct them where to get the application themselves. It is the best way to find something to replace the real thing until it actually comes out.
✪ The ✬ Hologram 3D Keyboard Simulator ✬ is without competition the most groundbreaking way to customize your cellphone. This “virtual keypad” is an emergent trend that is definitely here to stay a bit longer due to its originality and uniqueness.
✪ It also provides a real refreshment. You might have noticed that the market is saturated with cute, pink, heart-shaped “keyboard themes”. The main focus is on those themes for keyboards, and various other applications. Not that there is anything wrong with said themes but, however, they are just not for everyone. More variety is needed, and this keypad provides it. Download it now for free, and enjoy!