關於How to Insert Spaces in HTML
This app teaches you different ways you can add spaces to your HTML code
In a plain text document, you can simply hit the spacebar button to add multiple spaces. However, it’s not that easy to insert spaces in HTML web pages. It doesn’t matter how many times you press the spacebar in HTML, the browser just displays one whitespace.
Therefore, you should add HTML tags before and afterward of text to locate their format.
HTML, unlike an MS Word document, does not recognize an extra space that is simply typed with the space bar. Instead, you have to use the language and symbols of HTML to get the result you want. To insert a non-breaking space in your HTML, type " " after the place where you want the extra space. Then it will recognize it as a space that you want in that location of your document. Keep in mind that you should not overuse this technique too many times in a row as it may confuse the browsers.