關於How to train my Dog
Learn how to train your dog in the simplest and most effective way,
You will learn how and when to take your dog for a walk and most importantly why, we teach in 3 steps all the basic things you need to know regarding your dog education.
A well-behaved dog will save you a lot of headache.
If if asked yourself how to train your dogs or puppies this guide is for you.
It is a light and useful guide, it can be used for beginners and advanced in dog training.
We explain about dogs and puppies so it is suitable for all dog owners.
What will you learn in the guide?
- Educate your dog to make poop in the right place
- Teach your dog when you are going for a walk
- Education by sounds (Can be dog training clicker also or react to your voice by commands)
- How to not punish
- Schedule for each action
- How to reward the dog
- How to make your dog stop barking
How to train your dog app is free, try it now!
Our dog trainer app guide is short but contains all the knowledge required for beginners,
Use it to improve your dog's education, it's important to both of you,
Have fun - Feedback is always welcome =]
For any question about how to train my dog app please feel free to contact us.