關於HTTP Socket Adaptor
HTTP Socket adaptor allows the browser to send TCP socket data to devices.
This app is depreciated in favour of https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.com.wallaceit.webprint
HTTP Socket adaptor is a small utility that allows the communication with a TCP socket device from any android web browser.
It uses a HTTP server on localhost to receive data from ajax calls and pass them on to the specified host using a raw socket connection. I've created it to communicate with network printers directly from the web browser, and at this point it's only unidirectional. If you would like bi-directional support please let me know.
Once the drafted html RawSocket API becomes finalised this application will be redundant.
NOTE: When using in a HTTPS page, use the javascript example provided on the github repo below to avoid mixed content restrictions.
Github repo: https://github.com/micwallace/HttpSocketAdaptor