關於Human Resource Management Tutorial
► Human Resource Management is the process of recruitment and selecting employee, providing orientation and induction, training and development , assessment of employee (performance of appraisal), providing compensation and benefits, motivating, maintaining proper relations with employees and with trade unions, maintaining employees safety, welfare and healthy measures in compliance with labour laws of the land. ✦
➻ Human: refers to the skilled workforce in the organisation.✴
➻ Resource: refers to limited availability or scarceness.✴
➻ Management: refers how to optimize and make best use of such limited and a scarce resource so as to meet the ordination goals and objectives.✴
【Topics Covered in This App are Listed Below】
⇢ HRM - Overview
⇢ Importance of HRM
⇢ The Scope of HRM
⇢ Features of HRM
⇢ Integrating HR Strategy with Business Strategy
⇢ HRM - Planning
⇢ Job Analysis
⇢ Job Design
⇢ Job Evaluation
⇢ HRM - Talent Management
⇢ Functions of Talent Management
⇢ Advantages of Effective Talent Management
⇢ HRM - Training and Development
⇢ Career Development
⇢ The Need for Career Development
⇢ Career Development-Objectives
⇢ HRM & Career Development Responsibilities
⇢ Career Development Process
⇢ Career Planning System
⇢ HRM - Performance Management
⇢ Effective Performance Management and Appraisal
⇢ HRM - Employee Engagement
⇢ Rules of Employee Engagement
⇢ HRM - Employee Performance
⇢ Employee Performance Reviews
⇢ Coaching
⇢ Working on Low Morale
⇢ HRM - Compensation Management
⇢ Objectives of Compensation Policy
⇢ Importance of Compensation Management
⇢ Types of Compensations
⇢ Components of Compensation
⇢ HRM - Rewards and Recognition
⇢ Types of Rewards
⇢ Flexible Pay
⇢ Organizational Culture and HR Practices
⇢ Management Styles
⇢ HRM - Workplace Diversity
⇢ Issues in Managing Diversity
⇢ Gender Sensitization
⇢ HRM - Industrial Relations
⇢ Labour Laws
⇢ HRM - Dispute Resolution
⇢ Dispute Resolution Procedures
⇢ HRM - Ethical Issues
⇢ Major Issues in Ethical Management
⇢ HRM - Audit and Evaluation
⇢ HRM - International
⇢ IHRM vs. HRM
⇢ HRM - eHRM
⇢ HRM - Small Scale Units
⇢ HR Challenges - How to cope with them efficiently?
⇢ Human Resource Audit - Meaning, Phases and its Advantages
⇢ Termination and Outplacement
2. Updated all topics and added more examples for each topic.