關於Hungarian Language Dictionary
Dear Users,
Our company will revoke this application from the store on the 28th of February, 2019.
If you bought this product, please, download it to your phone so it will be accessible to you after that date, too. More information: https://akademiai.hu/hir/tajekoztato_android_szotaralkalmazasaink_kivezeteserol
Best regards:
Akadémiai Kiadó Zrt.
Dictionary of the Hungarian Language
• concise audio dictionary
• for learners of Hungarian language
• 25 000 headwords with audio
• Easy-to-use Hungarian and English interface
• Well-structured entries with great readability
• Savable favourite entries
• History
• Stemming
Important information
• This is a shareware application with two days of trial period. To activate, a registration number can be purchased in our webshop at http://www.akademiaikiado.hu. With the purchased registration number one can activate the product 5 (five) times, and every 180 (one hundred and eighty) days after the first activation the number of possibilities increase by 1 (one).
• This application needs 2 permissions: first one to modify storage contents just to store one large database file. The other is to access the internet for downloading that file and for after-purchase activation. Otherwise this is an offline application.
System requirements
• The dictionary is compatible with all Android devices running os version 2.2 or later.
• To activate the product it is necessary to have internet connection on the device.
• At the first start the application downloads a database file to the device, therefore it needs an internal sd card with at least 250 MB of free space. Also we recommend you to use wifi connection for the download. If you experience connection loss, please try again (with a different internet connection, if possible).
• After you uninstalled the application, please delete the folder named "akkzrt/com.akkzrt.szotarerte032012a" on the sd card of your device or use our uninstaller tool downloadable from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.akkzrt.uninstaller