關於Iconist Clip Art Generator
You know, my website or application could really use some clip art. Not the cartoony kind, though, and not the kind where people from the 70's are playing tennis. No, I need something abstract-looking, like those fancy curly things at the top of newspapers. Or maybe like a Rorschach test. Yes, that's definitely what I want. Oh, and there has to be lots of it.
If you've ever said anything like that, this is your lucky day. Iconist generates abstract clip art. Lots of it, as a matter of fact. Scroll through a list of 65,000 clips, then reshuffle and scroll though another. And another. You want four levels of detail? It's there. Monochrome, two colors, three colors, four colors? We got that. Custom sizes from 64 x 64 to 2048 x 2048? All yours. Mirror it horizontally or vertically, or both--or don't mirror it at all. It's up to you. Tap your favorites and they're sent to the Android Gallery, where you can share them, upload them, or just gaze rapturously at them. Your call.
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