關於IDCF 2015
Reduction of childhood mortality is one of the prime goals of National Health Mission and Millennium Development Goals. Childhood diarrhoeal diseases continues to be a major killer among under five children in many states contributing to 10.4 percent of under five deaths in the country. Around 1.4 lakhs children are lost due to diarrhoea annually in the country. Diarrhoeal deaths are usually clustered in summer and monsoon months and worse affect malnourished children and children under two year of age.
Almost all the deaths due to diarrhoea can be averted by preventing and treating dehydration by use of ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) and administration of Zinc tablets along with adequate nutritional intake by the child with diarrhoea. Diarrhoea can be prevented with safe drinking water, hand-washing, sanitation, immunization and breastfeeding / appropriate nutrition.
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