關於iGallery with iOS 9 style
iGallery with iOS 9 style, a photo gallery with the classy and elegant look
You love taking photo and save the best memories through those pictures. Anywhere you go, any moment, photo is the best way to keep those memories. And when you want to see the photo, you look them in the photo gallery library. This is new gallery app for you called iGallery with iOS 9 style. This new photo gallery is design like the one on ịPhone 6s with Ios 9 style. This app will bring many beautiful and unique style for your phone photo gallery.
The íPhone 6s photo gallery with style of iOS9 is design just like on real one. From the layout to the color. You will feel it very classy and very easy to use. You can see photo with sort of date, quick find through searching, see photo right on thumbnail.
This is just a normal photo gallery but is designed with flat style of iOS 9. The photo gallery app provide many way to see photo. You can watch your photo by time, from year view to collection view. Or with album view style, you can watch photo from each album. So do you want to experience the new style of photo gallery like iOS 9, give it a try.
Photo gallery iGallery with iOS 9 style features:
Design with ìPhone6s look, classy and elegant
Very smooth and beautiful just like iOS 9 photo gallery
Change view to collection to see all image ios 9 with date and time
Backup and restore image from cloud like ỉphone 6s
Show info of day month year place with ios 9 font style
Search photo easily with date and sort them to find them
Quick seek like Phone 6s
Auto load your photo gallery to the ĩPhone 6s gallery very fast
Create your own album with iOs 9 style
Phone 6s photo gallery time view (Year/Album/Collection)
See photo right on thumbnail
Show information and sort like iOs9 style view
Move photo from album to album easily
Search photo easily, change different view
User experience with new stuff
How to use
Open app
Auto load photo into this app
Change view style of the way you see you photo
Thank you for using iGallery with iOS 9 style