Igurudwara is the first ever Sikhi app that focuses on uniting Sikhs around the world.
Keeping the teachings of our Gurus in mind we have developed the first virtual platform for Sikhs to communicate around the world.
Having Gurudwara’s live kirtans, Nitnem banis, sakhis and online version of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji as key features of Igurudwara makes it a must have app for all Sikhs.
Some of the point features of Igurudwara are as below:
→ Gurudwara On Map :
Now very easy to find and see gurudwara near by your current location on google map. You can get direction to navigate .
→ Gurudwara List :
Can search Gurudwara is so pretty, easy get by country, state and city now.
→ Sikhi Samagam:
We are showing all event which is going to be orgnised in future or running.
→ Darbaar sahib (Amritsar) :
Its so easy to get Darbaar sahib's live audio, muhwak, calendar in one screen with attractive UI.
From one click , You can support those community and helper who are doing such a greatful and social work for us.
→ Raagi :
All people who are service in multiple gurudwara, user can fine and contact them. user can also send request to be a pert of it.
→ Live Video :
We also provide Live video for all possible gurudwara. Using this section we can get Gurudwara DARSHAN.
→ Live Radio :
You can listen all voice and event over radio with help of this application.
→ Sikhi NGO :
To know those cummunity who are working for SIKH people in multiple countries.
→ Nitname :
Complete stories of very very special persons is now available here in PDF English and Punjabi language.
- Sakhis:
Complete stories, blocks, sections available in PDF category-wise in Punjabi language.
Above is our key features and have many more in one app.
At Igurudwara our vision is for a Healthy , Compassionate and a Vibrant Sikh community.
Thank you & Sat sri akaal.
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