關於Il Michelangelos
Brierley Hill的意大利餐廳
This app is the best way to discover and engage with Il Michelangelo in Brierley Hill. Browse through our menus and special offers easily locate us on the map and find out how to contact us through the app.
Using the app also allows free use of our guest Wi-Fi.
Allowing the app to use your location while not using the app will enable you to receive welcome notifications from our beacons when you are near our location. You can turn off this permission at any time in the privacy section of Settings.
- View our current offers and promotions. The more you visit Il Michelangelo the more offers, discounts and promotions you could be sent. These offers appear in the “My Offers” page in the app. To redeem an offer pick one in the list and follow the on-screen instructions.
- Provide valued feedback to us after you visit.
- View our menus, the services we offer and any special offers we currently have.
- This app uses location services and Bluetooth to notify you when you can join our Wi-Fi. This app requests the following permissions from you:
- Allowing the app to access your location while using the app to find your way to Il Michelangelo.
- Allowing the app to access your location when not using the app enables you to receive location based special offers and discounts from Il Michelangelo.