關於iModules Event Check-In
Say goodbye to paper-based guest lists! iModules Event Check-In App allows your institution to quickly and easily manage attendee check-in at events.
• Eliminate the need for printed lists by working within our native iOS and Android apps
• Save time and prevent duplicate work by leveraging events and registrations already existing in your Encompass system
• Create events and attendee lists outside of Encompass
• Provide secure check-in access for event admins and event volunteers
• View a list of attendees specific to an event
• Easily find attendees on the registration list by first name, last name, organization name, job title, or browse the list
• Check in attendees using multiple devices at the same time
• Document attendees as “checked-in”
• View attendee profile information
• Add “walk-up” registrants/attendees
• Download attendance data after the event
An iModules account is required to use this app.