數百萬款最新的 Android 應用程式、遊戲、音樂、電影、電視節目、書籍、雜誌等項目盡在其中,歡迎隨時隨地透過您的各種裝置取得。
A demonstration -alike camera application which allows you to adjust brightness, contrast etc values in real-time while running preview view at the same time. In addition you can adjust these values after capturing a picture until you hit the save -button or cancel the image.
This application is kept as simple as possible as it's intended to be more of an example than properly finalized one. It's also good to bear in mind it's been a learning experience at the same time for the author. Namely updating texture in realtime using SurfaceTexture and usage of RenderScript for final image processing.
For technical ones, full source code is available by following my home page found here on Google Plus;
- Application icon is licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 -license and is free to use in non-commercial projects.
- Other icons are licensed under GPLv3.
- Actual source code is licensed under Apache 2.0 and is available for both commercial and non-commercial usage.
- Fixed cartoon filter on JellyBean 4.2