關於Introduction to the Bible Study
The indications of a revival of interest in the study of the Bible are numerous and encouraging. They are to be found in the increase of private and devotional reading of the Scriptures, the improvement of lesson helps for the Sunday School, the more conscientious preparation of the lesson among teachers in such schools, the increase of exegetical preaching, the organization of courses of Bible study in young people's societies in nearly all religious bodies, the increase of correspondence Bible work, the creation of Biblical departments in colleges and universities, the establishment of Biblical instruction in connection with state universities, and the organization of clubs and circles for the study of Biblical literature as possessing equal attractiveness with English and other literatures.
01 An Introduction to the Bible Lesson 2.1 The Early World
02 An - Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 2.2 The Early World
03 An - Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 3.1 The Patriarchs
04 An - Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 1.1 The Bible and the Church
05 An - Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 1.2 Jeff Cavins' Bible Timeline
06 An - Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 3.2 The Patriarchs
07 An - Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 4.1 Egypt and the Exodus
08 An - Introduction (An Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 4.2 Egypt and the Exodus
09 An - Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 4.2 Egypt and the Exodus
10 An - Introduction An Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 5.2 Desert Wanderings
11 An - Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 6.1 Conquest and Judges
12 An Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 6.2 Conquest and Judges
13 An Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 7.1 United Kingdom
14 An Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 7.2 United Kingdom
15 An Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 8.1 Divided Kingdom
16 An Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 8.2 Divided Kingdom
17 An Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 9.1 Exile and Return
18 An Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 9.2 Exile and Return
19 An Introduction to the Bible, Lesson 10 The Maccabean Revolt
20 A Catholic Style of Bible Study (Lesson 1) Foundational Principles (Part I)