In the not too distant future life without the Internet would be considered far-fetched Shvd.shrkt my window to keep pace with global developments to creating and Engineering Fair buildings, libraries and publishing houses worldwide for the people of the land of Iran has book publishing . In my book system always and everywhere can have access to internal and external documents. After purchasing the literature still always and everywhere be maintained in your personal library Vlzt study experienced. On the other hand, the system measures the publishers will provide special rights. In short, this system has the following features: • facilitate access to domestic and foreign literature, no time limits, and financial position. • Ability to load the system and their application on all platforms with the same structure • batch production of electronic content and multimedia to promote training and education • preserving the rights of publishers through three layers of security ( localized DRM) • Easy to read, always and everywhere, offline • Full implementation of the electronic version and version physical layout to refer to precedents should be noted that before you release the final version of my book the company has produced its tenth window.To contact the manufacturer to the site www.tenthwindow.com and www.tenthbook.com refer to the support site.