Forget everything you knew about games! This application will plunge you into the abyss of longing and despair, as well as bewilderment - why did you install it. Ten of the worst programmers were kidnapped from their homes and isolated for two years in a dark, damp basement. It is possible that in the game you can find hidden messages from them - “Help! They abducted us and make us watch anime! ” Do not believe it - we feed them with lobsters and Italian pasta.
Difficult management, lack of plot and unclear purpose of the game will keep you in suspense until the very end. After going through all the stages of this nightmare, you will learn to swear, drink vodka directly from the bottle and hate everyone around. You will also receive a check for a million Mongolian guilders (of course, fake), a certificate of equestrian courses and a wooden medal - “For courage!”.
Play and remember, when you give a low rating to an application, somewhere in the dark basement one unfortunate programmer is crying.