關於ISC Nagpur SeQR Scan
掃描和驗證 ISC 那格浦爾打印的加密二維碼文件。
ISC Nagpur SeQR Scan is a QR & 1D BarCode scanner which can be used for a broad range of applications. It can read encrypted QR codes and 1D Barcodes which are printed on educational documents printed by ISC Nagpur
System, we provide as SEQR Documents, is used to generate such documents using a combination of peculiar security algorithms that creates a QR code & not-so-easy to duplicate security features.
Not only the issuer of the documents can scan and obtain the certificate, also the public users can register for free and perform the same operations.
This application, after scan, provides the preview of the certificate and other document data that can be compared with the in-hand document. Thus verifying documents of ISC Nagpur is quick, free and easy via this application