關於Islamic Children Songs
Free App To Watch And Listen To Islamic Songs for Kids
Islamic Songs for Kids learning free is the best companion for tutorials. this app most popular home children's songs learning ideas videos.
Most popular & favorite songs and Videos for Kids. NURSERY RHYMES is a perfect app for your kids. The collection of most popular Islamic Songs for Kids for Kids Video Clips for kids, baby, toddler, children to fun and educational learning by songs.
★Sing along kids’ favorite songs with SONGS FOR KIDS WITH VIDEOS★
♬ Most popular songs for kids from 0 to 7.
♬ Easy to learn song lyrics
♬ Beautiful graphics and adorable characters
♬ Kid-friendly interface
♬ Download songs Just 1 time, you can enjoy the show anytime,anywhere! even on the plane!
♬ Includes more than 100 kids’ favorite songs
* This app support both mobile phone and Tablet Mode.
Free App To Watch And Listen To Islamic Songs for Kids
2) Nasheed - Goodnight Child: A Muslim Lullaby
3) Subhanallah - Wo ek hi Allah hai - Islamic Song nasheed hindi urdu
4) Islamic Song
5) Top 60 English Nursery Rhymes for Children
6) Phonics Song with TWO Words - A For Apple - ABC Alphabet Songs with Sounds for Children
7) Islamic Animation: The Golden Words of the Prohet Muhammad PBUH
8) Top 20 Hit Songs Of Kingini Chellam - Collection Of Cartoon/Animated Malayalam Rhymes For Kids
10) BEST 50 English Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children
11) Top 50 Hit Songs - Chellame Chellam - Collection Of Cartoon/Animated Tamil Rhymes For Chutties
12) 5 Pillars of Islam - part 1
13) Bob, The Train
14) Ramadan Song with Zaky (Nasheed)
15) The Story Of ZamZam - Islamic cartoon for kids
16) Bismillah Song Rhymes for children - Hindi Urdu
17) The 5 Pillars of Islam with Zaky (Islamic cartoon)
18) Learn Five Pillars of Islam - for kids
20) Eid Mubarak (Animated Islamic Urdu Song) - عید مبارک
21) New Zaky Film - The Story of Yunus (as) & the Whale - Preview
22) Eeman 1 Malayalam Islamic SKSSF
23) That's What Muhammad Said
24) Abdul Bari missed fajr salah - Hindi Urdu
25) Months of the Year Song - 12 Months of the Year - Kids Songs by The Learning Station
26) Zaky's Ramadan (DVD preview) - Islamic Cartoon
27) Bismillah Song Rhymes with cartoon character - Hindi Urdu
28) Nursery Rhymes Collection In Hindi
29) (Official) MV BISMILLAH (2013 Edition - ENGLISH)
30) Nasheed - Allah Created Everything by Zaky
31) Top 100 Hit Songs - English Nursery Rhymes - Collection Of Animated Rhymes For Kids
32) Zaid & Bhonpu Phuski - Abdullah animation series - Hindi Urdu
33) Famous Bengali Rhymes
34) Animation Kids Songs - Nursery Rhymes for Children
35) Ambiliyum Attinkuttiyum Malayalam kids animation Full Length Movie
36) Top 15 Hit Songs For Toddlers
38) Helping the Needy Old man- ENGLISH version - Muslims Islamic Cartoon for children
39) CLIP - Rayan et abi - La ilaha illallah (Il n'y a de dieu qu'Allah)
41) The Golden Egg - Aesop's Fables In Malayalam - Animated/Cartoon Tales For Kids
42) Pillars of Islam, Pillars of Islam cartoon song, One only one god Allah, Islamic cartoons for kids
44) Let's Learn Quran with Zaky
45) Good Manners For Children in English
46) Aloo kachaloo Hindi poem - 3D Animation Hindi Nursery rhymes for children (Aalu kachalu beta )
47) Nasheed - Prophet Yunus (Jonah) Song for Children with Zaky
48) Lullaby for Babies to go to Sleep - Baby songs - Baby lullaby songs go to sleep - Lullabies
49) Nasheed - I Remember ALLAH (Islamic Cartoon with Zaky)
and more...
An all in one collection of educational Hindi Poems activities and videos, including the famous alphabet song in a vivid interactive and high quality production. This application provides the perfect place to learn basic concepts such and numbers, colors and more.