關於It Has Begun
We are living in a state of spiritual emergency!
We are living in a state of spiritual emergency! The actions and attitudes of people today are contributing to the world’s demise. ‘It Has Begun’ investigates occurrences taking place around the world that have never been seen before. We found it amazing that the only place that spoke of these events was in the holy bible. What we are witnessing around the world led us to ask the questions, are these events that are taking place on a global scale end time biblical prophesies or are they due to some other type of phenomenon?
As we dug deeper, our investigative research uncovered not only unprecedented events around the world but also uncovered spiritual events that some of our leaders are participating in. It started to unravel the mystery in these societies and gave new insight on why their secrets must be hidden. This movie leaves nothing to the imagination. ‘It Has Begun’ paints a vivid picture between our physical and spiritual existence, that once seen will change the way we view the world.
The Christian Film Data Base says “This is an overwhelmingly powerful documentary and it caused me to realize how many things are actually taking place and close to the same time. This film pulls at your heart strings and makes you stop and wonder if Jesus’ return is nearer than we think.”
‘It Has Begun’ is not for your entertainment, it’s for your salvation.