關於Jain Mantra All (Chants)
This application is for all Jain god religious devotee people who wants all jain god mantras(Stotra) in one application.
This application consists of Jain god chants and mantra with full hindi lyrics.
By using this application you can repeat mantras like 11,21,51,108 times as well as one can input as one can want(requirement) and one can set timers to listen mantras how many times.
This application consists of following Jain all god mantras list as under.
नवकार (णमोकार) मंत्र(navakar mantra)
भक्तामर स्तोत्रम्(Bhaktamar Stotra)
उपसग्गहर स्तोत्रम्(Uvasaggaharam Stotra)
लोगस्स स्तोत्रम्(logassa stotra)
महावीराष्टक स्तोत्रम्(Mahaveerashtak Stotra)
Application Features
★ Easy Interface to use
★ Different Mantra audio tracks
★ Background Music
★ Bell and Conch sounds
★ Set the image as wallpaper
★ Set the track as ringtone
★ Subtitles for each track
★ Hindi Lyrics of all god mantras
★ Set number of repetition
★ Auto off timer
★ Play, pause, next, previous for easy navigation
★ Counter to show number of completed repetitions
★ No gaps between looping
★ Automatic stop and continue music during phone calls
★ App notifications While track playing
This application integrates with an Advertisements.
This application is dedicate to All Hindu Jain religious Devotee.
Enjoy with peace of mind.
Rate for this application and If you have any feedback or suggestion you can mail us.