關於Jinnat Aur Jadoo Ka Ilaj
100%Jinnat AUR Jadoo公司かIlaj
Jinnat aur Jadoo ka Ilaj is a stand alone android application to assist the Urdu readers to resolve the problems they face from black magic and taweez. This app lists out the solutions which are according to Shariah and can help resolve any problems of black magic and taweez. Save yourself and your family from all the evils by reading and following the authentic solutions.
Surah asr sa jado ka ilej
ghar sa taweez nikalna ka wazifa
taweezo ka asar khatam krna ka liye
jado ka taweez ka asar khatam krna ka liye qurani ayat e kareema
quran majeed sa jado ka ilej
jadu ka Tor
Quran Se Jadoo Ka Ilaj
Jinnat Aur Kala Jadu
Kala Jado R Bachao
taweez ka asar khatam karna
taweez ka tor
Black Magic ka tor
kalay jadoo ki iqsam
kala jadoo ki taweez se tor
kala jadoo ka quran ki surah se tor