關於Jobs Duniya
JobsDuniya provides access to a reliable database of candidates at entry level.
JobsDuniya provides access to a reliable database of candidates at an entry level, blue collar & grey collar jobs segment. JobsDuniya offers a platform for trained & verified Jobseekers. One can apply for jobs by Role, Type (Full time, Part time etc.), Industry within their city & locality. Candidates can reach out to tens & thousands of jobs offers by posting their resume.
What problem are we solving?
Availability of a verified & experienced database of candidates at the entry level, blue collar & grey collar jobs segment is highly restricted & unorganised. This is primarily due to the gap between the availability of streamlined skill information and clearly defined job requirements. It has hence become paramount to create a repository of data containing information about jobs as well as reliable & trained candidates in this segment. Somebody needs to identify them, organize them, connect them & finally make them available for the right job, at the right place and to the right people.
With a large number of people being constantly online, it has become pertinent that all related product & services be provided through a common platform, hence the need to integrate. We wish to become a leading end-to-end recruitment marketplace connecting employers, consultants and job seekers for jobs across the Country.