Health data integration is here! Your coach now gets deeper insights into your recovery, readiness, and performance. Plus, we squashed some bugs.
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Kahunas 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Kahunas 所有舊版本。下載 Kahunas 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
Health data integration is here! Your coach now gets deeper insights into your recovery, readiness, and performance. Plus, we squashed some bugs.
This update is all about keeping things smooth. Client workout views now switch like a charm, the water tracker is hydrating like a boss, and everything else is at its absolute peak—kind of like when you catch your biceps in that perfect locker room lighting 💪🏔️
Your app just leveled up! We’ve completely redesigned the home screen with a fresh new look that’s easier to use and built to help you crush your goals.
This update adds login streaks, a water tracker to stay hydrated, and our first widgets, opening the door for even more data and metrics in the future.
Update now and check it out!
Your app just leveled up! We’ve completely redesigned the home screen with a fresh new look that’s easier to use and built to help you crush your goals.
This update adds login streaks, a water tracker to stay hydrated, and our first widgets, opening the door for even more data and metrics in the future.
Update now and check it out!
We’ve got exciting news!
You now have even more precision in your nutrition plans with the release of Micronutrients, helping you hit your goals with greater accuracy. We’ve also optimized the app for smoother, bug-free performance to keep everything running seamlessly.
We're thrilled to introduce an exciting update to our app!
Now, with seamless integration with Health Connect, you can effortlessly sync your health data directly to our app.
No more manual inputting of health data! Simply connect your wearable device, and let the app automatically fill in your check-in forms with the latest health information.
Update now to experience the convenience of automatic data syncing!
We're thrilled to introduce an exciting update to our app!
Now, with seamless integration with Health Connect, you can effortlessly sync your health data directly to our app.
No more manual inputting of health data! Simply connect your wearable device, and let the app automatically fill in your check-in forms with the latest health information.
Update now to experience the convenience of automatic data syncing!
We're thrilled to introduce an exciting update to our app!
Now, with seamless integration with Health Connect, you can effortlessly sync your health data directly to our app.
No more manual inputting of health data! Simply connect your wearable device, and let the app automatically fill in your check-in forms with the latest health information.
Update now to experience the convenience of automatic data syncing!
We're thrilled to introduce an exciting update to our app!
Now, with seamless integration with Health Connect, you can effortlessly sync your health data directly to our app.
No more manual inputting of health data! Simply connect your wearable device, and let the app automatically fill in your check-in forms with the latest health information.
Update now to experience the convenience of automatic data syncing!
We're thrilled to introduce an exciting update to our app!
Now, with seamless integration with Health Connect, you can effortlessly sync your health data directly to our app.
No more manual inputting of health data! Simply connect your wearable device, and let the app automatically fill in your check-in forms with the latest health information.
Update now to experience the convenience of automatic data syncing!
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