關於Kanji Learning & Test (Free)
學習上舉日本漢字N1- N5,並與測試檢查你的知識!
This App is a Kanji dictionary, a kanji learning aid and a Kanji Test App - All in one!
1) Level N1-N5 - All in one:
Select your Kanji learning level (N1, N2+N3, N4 or N5) and learn about the Kanji characters at your pace. The App supports Kanji search by reading, meaning or radical.
2) Dictionary like UI:
On each Kanji page, you can learn the "on-yomi" (Chinese Reading), "kun-yomi" (Japanese Reading) and their equivalent English meanings. Each Kanji listing also comes with the most frequently used "jukugo" (combination of two or more Kanji).
3) Kanji search:
You can search for a Kanji by its meaning, radical as well as reading! Very convenient for a quick reference on the move.
4) Recent Kanji lookup:
To help revise recently learned Kanji characters, we have provided a "Recent Kanji" menu where you can quickly check the Kanji characters you recently searched or viewed
5) Kanji Test:
We have also put in a game like Kanji Test. You can choose the Kanji level, as well as choose to take a simple test or advanced test. Tests are dynamically generated every time. You can review your performance at the end of the test.
2) Minor Bug fixes
3) Support for additional devices