關於Kannada Keyboard (Mobile)
Kannada Keyboard - v2.x
Kannada Keyboard is the most user friendly and easy to use Kannada keyboard app available in Android market. This application support for any android phone model with Android version 6 or above.
- Pre requirements:
This app needs your phone to support Kannada Unicode fonts. This app will not be installing any Kannada unicode fonts into your device, so if you don't have Kannada unicodes please install Kannada unicode support first.
If you can read the Kannada app name below, then you already have Kannada fonts, and ready to use this app.
Can you see this text -> [ಕನ್ನಡ ಕೀಲಿಮಣೆ]
Kannada Keyboard app will integrate the keyboard into android operating system, so that you'll have the access to the keyboard from any application, such as Facebook, Twitter, Viber, WhatsApp or any other application in your Android device.
How to activate Kannada keyboard,
**** quick method ****
1) Tap on `Setup Kannada Keyboard` option on Welcome screen
2) Select and Enable `ಕನ್ನಡ ` on manage keyboard section
3) Start typing...
**** long and boring method **** (steps may be changed with different OS versions)
1) Open Settings and go to 'Language & Inputs'
2) Go to 'Virtual keyboard' settings (or something similar based on different phone & OS models)
3) Go to 'Manage keyboard' section
4) Select and Enable `ಕನ್ನಡ ` on manage keyboard section
5) Start typing...
You can switch between 'Kannada' and other keyboard from any other application.
Please contact us via our Facebook page for more details.
Recommended Android versions - 6.0 or higher
This application will not collect any kind of information from the users of the app.
+ unicode rendering engine optimisations
+ layout changes
+ emoji layout
+ long press to cursor movements
+ minor bug fixes