My Karjat is the only app dedicated to provide all the information of Karjat. In the app, you can directly search from the search bar at the top or search in relevant categories/subcategories. The app provides contacts and information of all the services like Doctors, Shops, Agents, Railway and Bus Time Tables, Daily Needs, Classes and most importantly all the emergency services and their contact numbers!
"Vocal for Local" - Now the app has an Online Store where local businesses sells their products online. Order your desired products like delicious cuisines, vegetables and home made products securely from this app.
The app also provides chat as an extraordinary feature, where you can chat with Karjatkars by securely Sign-in using Google Sign-in.
Anyone can register the business/service on their own. Also you can register your business by giving your details on the mail id and mobile number mentioned in the "Contact Us" section.