關於Kerala Sannadha Sena
喀拉拉邦政府Samoohika Sannadhasena志願者的移動應用程序
This App is developed for the Directorate of Samoohika Sannadhasena, Government of Kerala. The directorate is one of its kind, whereby the Government of Kerala envisages to mobilise voluntary task forces, provide them with necessary information and equip them with required capabilities so as to enable people of Kerala to overcome hardships faced during situations of natural calaimities and disasters.
This is a generic app which is meant for the registered volunteers with Samoohika Sannadhasena, who are willing to help in the time of natural calaimities, disasters and pandemic situations. Traning materials in the form of videos, instructions and other informations are provided to the registerd volunteers through this app. The activities performed by the volunteers also could be recorded using this app.
Persons who are willing to help voluntarily within the age group of 16 years to 65 years can register as volunteers in the Kerala Samoohika Sannadhasena through the url https://sannadhasena.kerala.gov.in/