你正在努力學習數學中的數字,你正在尋找一個解決方案來幫助你的孩子更有效地學習。 我們必須了解你的問題,並創建了一個夢幻般的應用程序,以幫助你“學習,玩”,但仍然有效。
遊戲数学游戏是當今最好的教育遊戲,以幫助你獲得數學技能和學習快速反應的方式心理算術。 遊戲数学游戏收集了最有效的提示,以幫助數學大腦熟悉數學中的每個方法
- 觀察技能
- 思維反射
- 邏輯推理
- 快速思考
- 應用數學知識
遊戲的目的数学游戏是找到隱藏的模式在拼圖來得到一個解決方案。 如何玩你只需要做數學加法,減法,乘法,除法,並找出哪個是你贏得的最好的結果
遊戲数学游戏2難度模式和容易,嘗試完成練習1最好的。 祝你好運!
The challenge of infant reflex skills with the best math game today!
Are you struggling with numbers in mathematics and you are looking for a solution to help your child learn more effectively. We have to understand your problem and has created a fantastic app to help you "learn, and play," but still effective.
Game Kids Math: Learning Numbers is the best educational game today to help you get the math skills and learn fast reflexes in the way mental arithmetic. Games Kids Math: Learning Numbers has collected the most effective tips to help math brains become acquainted with each method in mathematics
Game Kids Math: Learning Numbers is the intellectual game based on the principles of cognitive psychology to help you practice different mental skills:
- Observation skills
- Thinking reflex
- Logical reasoning
- Thinking quickly
- Apply knowledge of mathematics
The objective of the game Kids Math: Learning Numbers is to find hidden patterns in the puzzle to come to a solution. How to play you simply need to do the math addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and find out which is the best result you have won
Games Kids Math: Learning Numbers 2 difficulty modes and easy, try to complete the exercise 1 best of you. Good luck!