Under the official permission of the Korean government, the Korean Magazine Association (KMA) was founded at the first general meeting in October 26, 1962 with the purpose of handing down traditional Korean culture, contributing to the magazine industry by creating a healthy magazine culture, and cultivating fraternity among its members. Since then, the KMA has indeed grown to be one of the most influential public organizations in Korea, seeking the protection of magazine employee’s rights and the enhancement of welfare by improving magazine quality. In this rapidly changing environment, the KMA will continue to be dedicated to the conservation and development Korean traditional culture, and the exertion its complete effort in the development of the Korean magazine industry, and enhancement of the rights of its members. Korea Magazine Association(KMA) respects you. Without a strong sense of duty, it is impossible to make high-quality magazines. The KMA will be always with you whenever you are in times of difficulty or not. The future of magazines will be much brighter only when you and The KMA act as one. Don’t forget, Korea Magazine Association is always here waiting for you.
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