關於Late earthquake activity
Known seismic activity in the world in the last 60 minutes free
Do you want to know all the seismic activity in the last minute in the world? You will find complete information of all earthquakes that have occurred in the last 60 minutes with their region, magnitude, service intensity, elapsed time, direction / distance to the epicenter of this earthquake, tsunami creating and positioning.
This APP reveals recent earthquakes on a map and in a list as well as news from around the world. You can filter the information displayed in various ways, for example by size or age of earthquakes, space from your location, status, etc.
- Get the latest earthquakes in the last hour around the world.
- Know the earthquakes according to their size, age and distance.
- View reports of experience ( "I felt an earthquake")
- Detailed information on each function.
- highly compressed data format to save band width.
- friendly interface and easy to use.
- Free app.
- tool for the study and data from recent earthquakes around the globe.
- Set of occurrence.
Earthquake Tracker shows you all the recent earthquakes around the world. Because of this, it is a vital application on a smart device.
Reveals data on earthquakes worldwide and although we collect the information carefully and take care of implementing your best, there is absolutely no guarantee its accuracy or completeness of the data or the performance of this application and should not be used to avoid disasters , plan or other official business.
Known seismic activity in the world in the last 60 minutes free. Quakes last minute.