🇪🇸 Added support for Spanish locale
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 LaterLinks 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 LaterLinks 所有舊版本。下載 LaterLinks 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
🇪🇸 Added support for Spanish locale
🌑 Added AMOLED colors theme
⚡ Now, you can set a custom image for your collections, making it easier to organize and recognize them at a glance!
🌑 Added AMOLED colors theme
⚡ Now, you can set a custom image for your collections, making it easier to organize and recognize them at a glance!
📌 Added new Homescreen Widget! Quickly save links directly from your home screen
⚡ Save Links Instantly—No App Opening Needed! Easily save URLs without launching the app!
📷 Scan QR Codes to Add Bookmarks! Easily save URLs by scanning QR codes—no more typing needed! Just point your camera, scan, and save your links instantly. 🚀
⚡ Now, you can set a custom image for your collections, making it easier to organize and recognize them at a glance!
📌 Added new Homescreen Widget! Quickly save links directly from your home screen
⚡ Save Links Instantly—No App Opening Needed! Easily save URLs without launching the app!
📷 Scan QR Codes to Add Bookmarks! Easily save URLs by scanning QR codes—no more typing needed! Just point your camera, scan, and save your links instantly. 🚀
⚡ Now, you can set a custom image for your collections, making it easier to organize and recognize them at a glance!
📌 Added new Homescreen Widget! Quickly save links directly from your home screen
⚡ Save Links Instantly—No App Opening Needed! Easily save URLs without launching the app!
📷 Scan QR Codes to Add Bookmarks! Easily save URLs by scanning QR codes—no more typing needed! Just point your camera, scan, and save your links instantly. 🚀
📌 Added new Homescreen Widget! Quickly save links directly from your home screen
⚡ Save Links Instantly—No App Opening Needed! Easily save URLs without launching the app! Just share a link from any app, select LaterLinks and save it. Keep your workflow smooth and your links organized effortlessly! 🚀
📷 Scan QR Codes to Add Bookmarks! Easily save URLs by scanning QR codes—no more typing needed! Just point your camera, scan, and save your links instantly. 🚀
🔀 Reorder Collections is Here! Now you can effortlessly rearrange your collections to keep your most important links within easy reach. Simply drag and drop to reorder—your perfect setup, just the way you like it! 🚀
🔀 Reorder Collections is Here! Now you can effortlessly rearrange your collections to keep your most important links within easy reach. Simply drag and drop to reorder—your perfect setup, just the way you like it! 🚀
☁️ Cloud Sync is Here! – No more “Where did I save that link?” moments!
🗂️ Export Your Bookmarks – Save them as a local file because, let’s be honest, we all love having backups for our backups.
📝 Add Notes to Bookmarks – Forget why you saved that weird article at 2 AM? Now you can leave a note like: “Seemed important… probably.”
✏️ Customize Titles & Descriptions – Because “Cool Article” and “Random Link #27” aren’t exactly helpful. Now you can name your bookmarks like a pro!
🕴️Custom fonts
◘ 📌 Added Homescreen Widget!Quickly access your saved links directly from your home screen.
◘ 🔗 Added the option to add links manually
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