關於Learn IMC
Learn IMC Mobile App helps IMC associate and you to grow their IMC business faster.
This App will help to all IMC associates they can find Products Catalogue, Rog evam Nidaan, Business Plan in Hindi and English, Medicine Help and also they can Visit to company portal for finding more product and they can login to their Associate Account.
Features of Application
1. Beauty Care Book Online
2. Home Care Book Online
3. Health Care Book Online
4. Business Plan In Hindi
5. Business Plan In English
6. Product Catalogue
7. Product Presentation
8. Rog evam Nidaan
9. E Magazine
10. Doses Chart of Medicine
IMC is the first Indian Direct Selling Company that uses multi-level marketing model
that eliminates middlemen and with a wide network of associates is geared up to promote indigenous products and Indian culture. So Unity is our strength and we at IMC excel together. IMC is not a one man army but a collective effort of a dedicated team working tirelessly to fulfill our vision.