關於Learn Unity 4
The game built from the book Learn Unity 4 for iOS Game Development
This 3D bowling game is built following the exercises in my book Learn Unity 4 for iOS Game Development, published by Apress. As you can see, the code works for Android, too! (except for the Game Center code)
The source code (not including Asset Store assets) is available on https://github.com/technicat/LearnUnity. It's been updated to work with the latest versions of Unity, and a C# version of the project is in the final chapter.
The game features a HyperBowl-style swiping control, full bowling game rules, realistic physics, Unity Ads, Game Center achievements and leaderboard, and is created with the Unity game engine and numerous sound and graphics assets from the Unity Asset Store, including:
* Free ArtskillZ Texture Pack from ArtskillZ
* Skeletons Pack from bisaniyehocam
* General Music Set from Giancarlo Leone
* Free SFX Package from Bleep Blop Audio
* Wood Floor Texture from Antonio Neves
* Barrel from Universal Image.
Fugu Games and Technicat logos by Shane Nakamura and Dakota Snow.
By the way, there is an updated version of the book for Unity 2017 by Allan Fowler, but this code is from the first edition).