關於LetMeTalk: Free AAC Talker
LetMeTalk - 一個免費的應用程序為AAC,自閉症,言語失用,失語,更實用
A free AAC talker app which supports communication in all areas of life and therefore providing a voice to everyone. LetMeTalk is donation financed.
LetMeTalk enables you to line up images in a meaningful way to read this row of images as a sentence. To line up images is known as AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication).
Problems to Install? Find solution at bit.ly/1p6zGW8
The image database of LetMeTalk contains more than 9,000 easy to understand images from ARASAAC (http://arasaac.org). Additionally, you can add existing images from the device or take new photos with the build in camera.
To use LetMeTalk, no internet connection or mobile contract is necessary. Therefore you can use LetMeTalk in almost any situation, like hospitals, nursing home or schools.
You can find LetMeTalk tutorials at http://letmetalk.info/support
Suitable for:
• autism symptoms and Asperger syndrome, autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)
• aphasia
• speech apraxia
• articulation/phonological disorder
• Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
• Motor Neuron Disease (MND)
• cerebral palsy
• down syndrome
✔ more than 9,000 images from ARASAAC included
✔ Used by Speech Language Pathologists (SLP)
✔ voice support for images and sentences
✔ unlimited creation of new categories and adding new images
✔ pre configured for kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
✔ load / save your current profile (vocabulary)
✔ keep several profiles on your devices and switch fast between them
✔ share your profile easily with other devices
✔ load new profiles from our forum directly within LetMeTalk
✔ switch fast between 2 languages and use LetMeTalk as translator
✔ supported languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian and German, Chinese, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Galician, Catalan, Basque
✔ voice, if used language is supported by installed text to speech engine
Download now!
- VoiceHelper
- send sentence with messenger of your choice
- spoken word is highlighted
Version 1.3.19
- cantonese
- words displayed in sentence bar
Version 1.3.16
- Datapackage download not longer needed
Version 1.3.5
- Auto-Goback when selecting image
- hide sentencebar
Version 1.3.0
- change image positions
- set background colors
Version 1.2
- autoremove sentence (see settings)
- large play button
Version 1.1
- load / save / share your current profile (vocabulary)