LiftWala app is an app issued in the interest of public safety in lifts by Dolphin Elevators.
If the lift stops between floors due to power failure or malfunction, LiftWala app helps in rescuing the trapped person from the lift. A must app for all lift users. It is an essential app as a first step operation for the rescue of persons trapped in lifts. LiftWala app can be installed by any one for their personal use or to guide others.
When one gets trapped in the lift, if such an unfortunate situation arises, by following the instructions you will make sure that help will arrive and that you will not unintentionally cause a hazardous situation to yourself and the lift equipment.
LiftWala app has simple, safe rescue procedures and instructions to follow, which are easy and applicable.
LiftWala has all the necessary instructions which can avoid unnecessary events when trapped in a lift. LiftWala helps you in controlling ones emotions, fear due to the unfortunate situation.
LiftWala app covers all the types of lift models to enable your rescue. It also covers Dos & Don’ts along with Tips on Housekeeping of your Lifts. Adequate safety warnings incorporated in the LiftWala app ensures human safety.
LiftWala can create a confidence in you. It makes you feel that you have a helping hand with you. LiftWala can be used at any time by any one as it’s a onetime downloading and installing app. It does not require a data connection to use the instructions for the rescue operations.
Disclaimer: Dolphin Elevators, its associates, mobile app developers cannot be held responsible for any incident or accident happening due to the usage of this App and its guidelines. This is a basic app. Some amount of technical terms and knowledge is necessary when using this app.