關於Linkin Park Best Songs Completed
Linkin Park,Original + Karaoke的完整專輯最佳歌曲。
Streaming All Album Rock Songs from Linkin Park, Top Artists Singer from America with Video Clips and Lyric, Their group perform in 1996.
Fast Loading because using special Media Player.
All Linkin Park's Song can be played automatic nonstop, with random suffle option avaliable.
In This App, All Linkin Park's Song are Rock Music Genre, and can play streaming only with internet, also you CAN'T download anything.
Thank You for download, and Happy Enjoy
- All contents from yutube and this app just Media Player.
- This service is available because it is provided by Public Yutube API.
- This application not save any files that contain any trademark or copyrighted.
- We don't upload/download any videos.
- This application is just a way to organize, browse, view, and find videos on yutube.
- Everyone can play all videos for free without this app