關於Linux Commands Library , +600 Linux Commands.
從A到Z的Unix / Linux命令,666個具有描述的Linux命令。
Linux Commands. A Terminal accepts Linux commands and the OS Process it . All the Linux commands here are explained, examples are provided with output. Here are Linux commands with examples explained. App called Linux Commands Library.
This app offers 666 UNIX / Linux commands from A to Z along with a short description.
Some of the most popular and mainstream Linux distributions are Arch Linux , CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo Linux , Linux Mint, WifiSlax, Mageia, openSUSE and Ubuntu.
# Features :
- More than 600+ commands.
- Short Description of every command.
- All the Linux Commands Are Sorted In A To Z Assending Order so any user can easity find commands what they want.
- Easy to use.
- All Linux Commands.
- File System Hierarchy commands
- Basic Commands
- Text Editor commands
- Commands Mode
- Insert Mode
- Extended Mode
- Searching commands
- File Permission
- Process Managment
- System Info
- Network Port Number
- Compression
- Network
# Keywords :
Unix/Linux commands , Linux commands , Unix commands , Kali Linux commands , Debian Linux commands, OpenSuse Linux commands, Fedora Linux commands, CentOs Linux commands, Arch Linux commands,