關於List TV Channels - The best P2P TV app ever
List TV:
provide list, live sports event and streaming of many channels in European and Asia, (included BBC, CNN, BTSport, SkySport, Eurosport, Match TV Football, HBO, Star World, Skynet Sports, etc...)
using acestream p2p protocols,
compatible with Phone, Tablet, and Android TV.
- please install acestream engine if you want to watch any p2p-channel (if direct source channel is no need).
- when acestream engine ask for select media player - recommend MxPlayer
- If prebuffering still 0% or DL still 0KB/s, that mean stream source is off now, please select another channel
- If peer connected still 0, that mean there is no active peer now, please select another channel
- If acestream engine appears error: Load failed, please go to acestream engine and select exit from the options menu.
- Please be patient wait if the DL number still increase