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About Living Faith
Living Faith provides brief daily Catholic devotions based on one of the Mass readings of the day.
Published new each quarter, these reflections are written by women and men from a variety of backgrounds - lay people as well as clergy and religious. Living Faith writers include such well-known Catholic authors as Amy Welborn, Sr. Joyce Rupp and Msgr. Stephen Rossetti.
LIVING FAITH: Daily Catholic Devotions is a quarterly booklet of daily reflections on one of the scripture readings from the day's Mass. Some reflections are taken from published works by people like Fr. Henri J.M. Nouwen, Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa. Other reflections are written by regular contributors, including Sr. Joyce Rupp, Amy Welborn and Mitch Finley. Whether lay, clergy or religious, LIVING FAITH writers provide a variety of perspectives and insights. Since each devotion is a personal reflection on a Scripture passage from the day's Mass readings, readers pray and meditate along with the seasons of the Church year.
Timely, inexpensive and easy to use, LIVING FAITH has become a cherished part of the daily prayer life of hundreds of thousands of Catholics in U.S., Canada and among English-speakers worldwide.
Now you can get the daily Mass readings in text or podcasts from the U.S. Catholic bishops.
Mass readings, text | Podcasts