- Support for Iron and Grandmaster tiers
- Minor bugs have been put out of their misery
If you have any issues, questions or feedback, be sure to shoot us an email: lolsumo-support@dojomadness.com.
As always, good luck in the Rift!
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 LOLSUMO 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 LOLSUMO 所有舊版本。下載 LOLSUMO 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
- Support for Iron and Grandmaster tiers
- Minor bugs have been put out of their misery
If you have any issues, questions or feedback, be sure to shoot us an email: lolsumo-support@dojomadness.com.
As always, good luck in the Rift!
- Support for Iron and Grandmaster tiers
- Minor bugs have been put out of their misery
If you have any issues, questions or feedback, be sure to shoot us an email: lolsumo-support@dojomadness.com.
As always, good luck in the Rift!
- Support for Iron and Grandmaster tiers
- Minor bugs have been put out of their misery
If you have any issues, questions or feedback, be sure to shoot us an email: lolsumo-support@dojomadness.com.
As always, good luck in the Rift!
- We've added the possibility to handle the exposure of personal data.
- Minor bugs have been put out of their misery.
If you have any issues, questions or feedback, be sure to shoot us an email: lolsumo-support@dojomadness.com.
As always, good luck in the Rift!
- We've added the possibility to handle the exposure of personal data.
- Minor bugs have been put out of their misery.
If you have any issues, questions or feedback, be sure to shoot us an email: lolsumo-support@dojomadness.com.
As always, good luck in the Rift!
- We've added the possibility to handle the exposure of personal data.
- Minor bugs have been put out of their misery.
If you have any issues, questions or feedback, be sure to shoot us an email: lolsumo-support@dojomadness.com.
As always, good luck in the Rift!
- We've added the possibility to handle the exposure of personal data.
- Minor bugs have been put out of their misery.
If you have any issues, questions or feedback, be sure to shoot us an email: lolsumo-support@dojomadness.com.
As always, good luck in the Rift!
- We’ve made managing your account a bit easier—no need to enter your phone number to log-in anymore! Don’t worry, all purchases (past and present) are still valid and connected to your account.
- All users can now add up to three summoners to the app!
- Minor bugs have been put out of their misery.
If you have any issues, questions or feedback, be sure to shoot us an email: lolsumo-support@dojomadness.com.
As always, good luck in the Rift!
- We’ve made managing your account a bit easier—no need to enter your phone number to log-in anymore! Don’t worry, all purchases (past and present) are still valid and connected to your account.
- All users can now add up to three summoners to the app!
- Minor bugs have been put out of their misery.
If you have any issues, questions or feedback, be sure to shoot us an email: lolsumo-support@dojomadness.com.
As always, good luck in the Rift!
- Superlatives have been shifted around and renamed to Top Stats! You can find this new section in the SPI view.
- Top Stats can be filtered by game type for a more specific look at your strong points.
- Squashed a pesky bug on the SPI view that was causing some crashes.
As usual, feel free to visit our subreddit with any questions or feedback you may have: r/lolsumo. We are always ready to hear it.
Good luck in the Rift!
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