關於Love Circle
K’s Kids 家長支援中心為給購買了K's Kids產品的家長們提供全面的售後支援。
What is K's Kids Parents' Support Center?
The K's Kids Parents' Support Center provides comprehensive after-sales support to parents who have purchased K's Kids products. It provides guidelines, based on children's age and developmental stages, on how kids can make use of the toy to have fun and learn at the same time.
This app also includes online activities that is designed to reinforce what kids are learning from the toys.
Love Circle
Love Circle是一款精緻及一絲不苟的遊戲墊!產品由兩個大靠墊組成,只要扣在一起,便可成為孩子的舒適遊戲墊,讓孩子有安全感!產品除了 靠墊外,還有各種 小活動和遊戲。另外,把兩個靠墊重叠,立即變成座椅讓孩子坐下。產品更附設三款小玩具,包括附有安全鏡的Patrick公仔、響紙蝴蝶和 發出咯咯聲的牛, 這些小玩具也可以掛在健力架上呢!
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