關於Love quotes – New phrases
Love quotes to share. Pictures with beautiful love messages for your girlfriend
"Choose the language you want using the menu: Spanish, English, German, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Discover the most beautiful love words, pick-up lines, quotes to flirt, compliments, quotes to say “I love you”, about falling in love, to win that special someone’s heart, to make that boy you fancy or that girl you have a crush on laugh and finally to express yourself.
Download for free the best love words in Spanish or English to share. Send them to the people you care the most about and tell them that you love them. Surprise your partner with romantic love quotes with lovely pictures and nice love messages.
Special love quotes, romantic love words, quotes said by world known writers are in this app.
Surprise your partner by sending them these love quotes for him or her.
In this compilation you will also find love quotes, heartbreak quotes, original and romantic quotes to use as pick-up lines
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All images have been acquired by the company for exclusive use. These images have the copyright and belong to their author."